Fussy Eating!!! And how I overcame it.

This is something that has been coming up a lot in coaching practice lately and I thought that if this is the case for my clients, then many others are struggling with it as well.

So I thought I’d share with you my personal experience.

To start off, I cannot tell you how much I understand the concept of fussy eating as I sometimes truly believe that my son defined FUSSY eating and I’m yet to find a kid as challenged as he was with eating.

Some context and background

By the time he was 15 months of age he was already referred to a child psychologist as he was not responding to any of the prescribed techniques by the pediatric dietician. Oh my, writing this brings back so many memories of that car trip! My husband and I were just in disbelief that we were actually making this trip for our young baby boy....but sadly we were! Then by the time he was 5 years old had already seen 4 pediatric dieticians – and NOTHING worked.

I consider myself to be a fairly diligent and conscientious person and did everything I was told as PERFECTLY as I could – but to no avail. Every time I did not make the anticipated progress, I lost a little bit of hope,  until I felt ready to keep searching again for something or someone that would help us help him eat a more varied diet.

The Change

So what I’m about to share with you is NOT psychology approved techniques, double blinded placebo control study tested etc......it’s just what worked for me – and I think I just about tried everything if you catch my drift.

I will also preface to say that it was a combined approach not just 1 thing. I truly believe what really propelled us onto the other side was actually a change in me, not him! And I say that again, the change was in me and not him.

I distinctly remember the day I drew a line in the sand and said no more – THIS WILL BE DONE I vowed. I was able to do this for a number of reasons:

  1. I knew what the underlying cause of the problem was- FINALLY

  2. I knew EXACTLY what I needed to do to resolve the issue – HALLELUJAH

  3. I felt guided an supported - PRICELESS

I can say that in ALL of my prior attempts I have never had all 3 of these pieces together.

The Solution:

I too needed to change, and that was predominantly my mindset

  1. I had to let go of any past failed attempts and feel confident in the way forward, which I was for the first time no knowing what the REAL problem was

  2. It was NOT my role to make him eat, which I often tried to do or play silly games only for him eat 2 spoons and refuse the rest. I needed to choose what was on offer to eat, but it was his responsibility to eat. – this was a massive shift in thinking for me. I used to stress so much when he refused to eat anything new, but this new mindset literally saved my sanity.

  3. I felt confident- so when the boundaries were pushed (which he did often try to do) I no longer crumbled, and he energetically felt this. Soon, he had no choice, but to join the party so to speak as I no longer gave his refusal the attention he wanted.

Techniques for him:

  • EDUCATION - I explained to him what was going to be happening and why the food we ate would be changing. It was very important to use language that he could understand.

  • FUN - We made meal times together an event – it was a time of coming together, talking about the day and sharing and taking the focus off eating per say. If this was successfully achieved, he was rewarded

  • REWARD - I found his hot button which was a reward based system using points, 1 point = $1. One of his love languages is gifts. To know this information about your child is just priceless. Speak to them in their love language. We all have at least 2 dominating ones out of 5. We had a treasure box with smaller gifts such as pencils, hot wheel cars etc, and when he reached a certain number of points, he could choose a gift from the treasure box. And once he had sufficient points, 10 or 20 he could have a bigger reward to that value – this was golden for him and kept him motivated. We still utilise this concept today....except the reward value is little higher...eeek. The beauty of this is that you get to use choose what behaviours you want to reward and give them the control to make the right choice

  • BOUNDARIES - What was on the table, is what was on offer to eat – NOTHING else. It was his choice to eat it or not and nothing else was provided if he chose to not eat.

  • CHOICE - Sometimes I provided 2 choices and he could decide which one he would like – this also worked really well as he felt some form of control.

  • POSITIVE AFFIRMATION - When he did eat something he had not eaten before or at least tried something before refusing – the praise was enormous – sometimes over the top – because that is what worked for him

My mindset, these techniques coupled with a healing with wholefoods approach is what took him from a ridiculously fussy eater to a champion eater today.

In reality – HE was not a fussy eater, which was a label we put on him. Fussy eating was a symptom of an unbalanced gut microbiome along with nutritional deficiencies. Once we remedied this through healing wholefood nutrition, his body cried out for more food, and soon I had the opposite the problem..........he would not stop eating. I then a problem of a different kind....keeping up with the demand.....lol.

Today I still feel so much gratitude when I watch him eat as I know that was not always the framed picture I looked at.

If you would like help addressing the heart of the issue with fussy eating, get in contact with me and schedule your FREE Health Mapping Session or check out my Healing with Wholefoods Program.


Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach that specialises in helping stressed and overwhelmed mums heal their children with wholefoods using a personalised wholistic step by step approach.

The problem with commercial breakfast cereal

So you think the breakfast cereal you got from the supermarket is OK? Well think again. There is very little, with next to nothing in terms of nutrition in them.

But it's fortified with vitamins and minerals I here you say. I used to think that too until I started understanding what nutrition actually is. You see, the body ONLY recognises vitamins and minerals in a wholefood form.

Firstly, lets address how a cereal is manufactured.

According to Authority Nutrition, this is how a commercial breakfast cereal is typically made:

  1. Processed –grains are usually processed into a fine flour and cooked

  2. Mixed – Mixed with water, sugar and other ingredients to flavour

  3. Extrusion – A high temperature process to shape the cereal, called extrusion

  4. Dried – Then it is dried

  5. Shaped – and finally shaped into balls, puffs, loops, stars etc

Given the process described above, not only are they highly processed, but they also contain large amounts of refined carbohydrates, refined sugars and plenty of other flavours and additives. This is not conducive to a wholefood, let alone improving general and gut health.

Not only is the manufacturing process an issue, there is also the issue of the marketing claims on the front of the box. If a food is truly healthy, there is no need to make health claims.

If a boxed commercial cereal must remain your preferred choice of breakfast, then please read the labels carefully. Some principles to consider:

  • Can you understand the ingredient list? Does it make sense?

  • Is it free of artificial colours & flavouring ? These are the biggies to look out for:

    • Artificial Colours (102, 104, 107, 110, 120, 120, 122-129, 132, 142, 150, 151, 155, 160b))

    • Artificial Flavouring (620-625, 627, 631, 635, Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein (HVP), Hydrolysed Soy Protein (HSP), Soy Protein Isolate(SPI), Textured Vegetable Protein (TV P))

  • Check the sugar content, aim for less than 5g of sugar per 100mg

  • Check the serving size. Most cereals will say that a serving size is 30-40g, however when you actually measure that out, you will find that 3-4 times that amount is needed as a decent breakfast portion, therefore the sugar content will need to be multiplied by that amount. All of the sudden, your sugar content is not looking so great.

So what are my options I hear you say. I'm busy, I don't have time to prepare a gourmet breakfast everyday. That's OK, neither do I, and really, who does....lol

If you did decide to ditch the boxed versions, here are some wholefood options instead:

  1. Eggs any which way you want, scrambled, boiled, poached, baked

  2. Home-made granola with a beautiful array of nuts and seeds either served with a milk or yoghurt of your choice, even better use a dairy free option

  3. Smoothie – just add a liquid + fruit + vegetable + protein + fat + superfood powder (optional)

  4. Overnight soaked oats, preferably using uncontaminated oats from here

  5. Chia-puddings made with any high quality milk of your choice

  6. Baked Breakfast muffins, grain or grain free

  7. Quinoa or millet porridge with dates & nuts (good alternative to oats)

  8. Breakfast cakes made with wholesome ingredients. See my grain free cake one here

  9. Grain or grainfree pancakes.

  10. Leftovers from the night before. Especially in winter, my son will often ask for leftovers for breakfast

All of these options possess the following properties:

  • Made from wholefood ingredients the body can recognise

  • Can be made ahead of time and stored in the fridge or freezer for a grab & go or re-heat

  • Contains the right balance of macro ingredients of fats, proteins & carbohydrates.

As a gift to get you started on a wholefood breakfast option, I've put together 5 of our favourite breakfast recipes that are loved in our home.


If you think you or your family could benefit from transitioning to a healing wholefood lifestyle, get in contact with me today for your FREE Health Mapping Session.

Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach that specialises in helping stressed and overwhelmed mums heal their children with wholefoods using a personalised wholistic step by step approach.

Sleep - Who doesn't want more? Interview with Naturopath Norelle Hentschel

Who doesn't love a good night sleep? I most certainly do. Since recovering from Adrenal Fatigue it's something I've really learned to prioritise.

I've had the pleasure of chatting to Naturopath Norelle Hentchel from Your Remedy to discuss all things sleep. Norelle's clinic is based in Crows Nest, North Sydney and has a special interest in helping women sleep better and manage stress and anxiety so they can reclaim their energy and health.

It was her personal struggles with sleep that really sparked her passion for a good night sleep.

Watch the interview here:

Here is audio only:


Below I've summarised a few key take away points from our chat together.

The definition of a good night sleep.

  • The indication of a good night sleep has more to do with how you feeling during the day. After a good night sleep, you should feel energised, no mood swings, ability to focus really well and have a good appetite.

  • Research show that the sweet spot for a good number of hours sleep a night is between 7-9 hours.

Factors that affect having a good night sleep:


  • For women sleep is usually affected by their hormone levels. Typically they experience better sleep during the 2nd phase of the menstruation cycle due to the increased levels of progesterone.

  • Progesterone also has a calming effect on the brain and contains plenty of anti-anxiety properties too.

  • Lack of iron is also known to interfere with sleep, especially mothers of newborns. So a good idea to get this checked


Factors than can affect sleep for children include the following:

  • Illness can provide a short term interruption to good a night

  • Food intolerances & sensitivities

  • Night time asthma

  • Anxiety

  • Parasites & threadworm - a typical symptom of this would be itchy burning feet

How to improve sleep.

  • Prioritise it

  • Develop a wind down routine - think about activities such as writing out a to-do list before going to bed, journalling, having a cup of sleepy tea and get off technology at least 1hr before going to bed.

Foods to avoid & why.

  • Caffeine - This has a half life of 8hrs which means it takes 8hrs for your body to break this. Your cuppa is best had during the first part of the day and also be aware of caffeine content in your chocolate fix before bed.

  • Alcohol - Although this aids going to sleep, it affects the quality of your sleep and is best had 3 hours before going to bed

Norelle's message.

"Make sleep the super powers to have lots of energy & vitality to be the best version of one's self"

Norelle can be found online:

Instagram: YourSleepRemedy

Facebook: Your Remedy Naturopathy

Website: Your Remedy

Email:  info@yourremedy.com.au

Phone : 0439 660 064

If you need help with you or your child’s gut healing journey, book in for a free 15 minute call, email me or check out my work with me page to see if one of my programs are a suitable fit for you.

Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach who specialises in working with stressed and overwhelmed mothers of immune & digestive challenged children to heal their child’ gut by implementing a wholistic personalised step by step plan.



Interview with Sally Gray for all things gut health

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Sally Gray from Real Healthy kids, to talk all things gut health and why it’s such a critical factor to our health & well being.

Sally Gray is the founder of Real Healthy Kids, a business dedicated to empowering mums with the cutting edge mind body practices to step into their power and live with extraordinary health and daily calm, peace and joy and to become the role models our children need in this day and age. Sally has over 20 years experience as a Naturopath, Nutritionist, Transpersonal Counselor, Certified Life and Self-esteem coach, NLP and  EFT practitioner and she delivers a range of proven programs to create the foundation for exceptional health and healing for her clients.

Below I’ve summarised a few take away points from the interview.

Question 1 – In your expert opinion, what is the fuss about gut health?

  • The gut is now considered an organ and is central to our physical & emotional well being

  • We are outnumbered 10:1 in terms of bacteria to human cells

  • The gut is where nutrients are synthesised, food is digested & absorbed.

  • There is more serotonin in the gut, the feel good neurotransmitter than anywhere else in the body

  • There are more nervous system receptors in the gut than anywhere else in the body and this affects our energetic experience

Question 2 – What are the signs & symptoms of someone needing gut healing?

  • Human health = vibrant health BOTH physically & emotionally, therefore anything less requires gut healing

  • Symptoms such as pms, tummy aches, digestive troubles, allergies, eczema, fatigue, pains & niggles plus so much ALL indicate the gut will require some looking after

  • By the time a physical symptom presents itself, there has been a lot going on in the background, more than likely lots of inflammation

  • Great health is a choice and is available to everyone if we choose to do the work required for a predictable outcome

Question 3 – Is GAPS the only way to heal the gut?

  • Firstly we need to realise that making significant changes to our health involves getting uncomfortable

  • GAPS is not the only way to the heal the gut and there is no one way to heal

  • Healing needs to take into account all of the pillars of health and it’s not just about embracing a nutritional protocol

  • Stress is the underpinning factor to our health

  • GAPS does not address the pillars of health such as emotional well being, genetic predispositions & toxicity

  • Dealing with stress & emotional well being is pivitol to healing

Question 4 – What is the top 1 or 3 things to start the healing process?

  • Start with a commitment to a long term process of healing - get clear on what you want to create in terms of health for you & your family

  • Be prepared to make mistakes and be flexible

  • Find someone to go on the journey with

  • Bring the family along on the journey for increased compliance

Sally’s key message

We can create exceptional inner wellness which will transfer to outer physical health. It starts with the inside first.

Sally can be found online at the following locations:

Website: Real Healthy Kids

Facebook: Real Healthy kids home

Email: info@realhealthykids.com

I highly recommend Sally’s IGNITE program if you truly want to create the life you want by design and start healing the inner self. The next round of enrollments commence 27th April 2017.

If you need help with you or your child’s gut healing journey, book in for a free 15 minute call, email me or check out my work with me page to see if one of my programs are a suitable fit for you.

Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach who specialises in working with stressed and overwhelmed mothers of immune & digestive challenged children to heal their child’ gut by implementing a wholistic personalised step by step plan.