empowered living

Your True Personal Power Within

The magnitude of the power within you is IMMENSE! I’m sure you, just like me had NO IDEA what that even meant.

It was something I had a sense of, but I could never put my finger on it or even comprehend what that was. All I knew, was what I knew and I most certainly was not taught it anywhere.

It wasn’t until a I took a journey within to fully understand myself, which then led me to further study and training to understand the power of the mind. Then I blew my own mind…..

All of your power lies within your mind, in fact, the life outside of you is a projection of your mind, to be more specific, a projection of you current belief system. So we created our current reality in our mind first before it was project out onto the screen. Some, obviously to our taste, and some not to our taste. This is happening at an unconscious level of our mind, until we make it conscious, which is where we have our super power of choice. It is the very reason why I LOVE NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) so much, it seeks to make the unconscious conscious and is very outcome orientated.

This can either be scary or empowering, I choose empowering, because you are in charge of changing that at ANY time – this is your power.

We live by two thought systems at any given moment in time (the work of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung), one keeps us out of our power and that is “the false self”, the other being our “true self”, keeps is in our authentic natural power.

The true self does not just know the following on an intellectual level, but it is a deep sense of self identity. The true self knows it is:

Credit: @vincentledvina
  • Worthy

  • Loveable

  • Deserving

  • Grateful

  • Authentic

  • Open to the flow of life

  • Comfortable with oneself

  • Not needing validation from the outside world


Imagine living your life with THIS knowing instead?

How different would your life be?

How would you show up on a day to day basis?

What would that look  like for you?

I would even encourage you right now to take a few minutes contemplating this, because THIS is the truth of you, it is not enough to just know it, you need to fully BELIEVE it in your mind.

Herein lies the problem, most at a conscious level will say, “Of course I believe I am worthy”, but it is not the conscious mind that hold’s our belief system, it is the subconscious mind (the part of the mind that is running everything)  and if it does not have that coded in a neural pathway, it is unlikely that you live in that knowing.

Examples of how the false self can show up?

  • Are you constantly worried about what other people think?

  • Do you flip between anxiety and depression?

  • Do you have trouble letting go of the past?

  • Do you take things personally and have a hard time managing your emotions

  • Do you self criticize?

  • Are you stuck in the same emotional patterns

  • Do you expect others to act in a certain way in order for you to feel worth?

Answering YES to any of the above will mean that you are living within the false self thought system.

Now, let’s look at the other spectrum, the more empowering thought system.

How do you know if you are in true power, your true identity?

Credit: Alisha Rosley

Credit: Alisha Rosley

  • You will be immune to criticism and open to feedback

  • You will have a sense of equality with others, you are not beneath nor superior to anyone

  • You are not afraid to speak your truth, even when it feels super uncomfortable and is not the popular narrative

  • You have a sense of knowing when to defer or when to assert yourself in situations

  • You do not need any outside validation from external circumstances

  • You do not have a desire for life to look a certain way in order for you to be in your truth

  • You have the utmost love and compassion for yourself and others, holding them in their true power

 The power with you is huge, it is not something you need to fight or search for, it is within you NOW, you just don’t believe it to be true, so our role becomes removing the barriers, otherwise known as the self limiting beliefs to knowing that true self. It is yours to be reclaimed.

Are you ready to reclaim your power within?

If you are wanting to know your true self and experience living from the power within you, the check out the ways I can support you.


Chantal is an Accredited and Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach, EFT & NLP Practitioner that helps empower and inspire mums and women just like you to lovingly nourish and nurture their body and mind so that they can show up as the VERY best version of them self.

Educate and Inspire vs Diagnose and Treat - the role of coaching

In the conventional medical health model, it is typically all about prescribe and treat, otherwise known as let’s look at what is wrong with you and treat that in isolation. This does not leave the patient in a very empowered position.

Let’s be clear, modern medicine is nothing short of being genius when it comes to acute conditions and emergency situations, but does very little from a preventative approach.

So whilst medicine appears to be very physiological, the success rate is often determined by the psychological aspects. In the field of behavioural medicine , there is an understanding that nothing is physiological, but psycho-physiological instead. In simple terms this means that there is no separation between a persons mind and body. They work together and impact each other, therefore you cannot look at any symptom in isolation.

This is where wellness coaching becomes golden, it is focused to look at the person as a whole from a holistic approach to induce positive behaviour change to achieve a desired health outcome.

We are in an age where it is not enough to just know information, you need to act on it.

How do we make this action happen is the jackpot question?

According to Integrative and Functional Medicine, much if not most of health comes down to lifestyle behavioural change from a holistic point of view.

This is realms of health and wellness coaching, it is there to not only educate in a specialised area, but to also inspire and support the growth and development of the client. Coaching is seen to be standing by the client, with them and next to them, so eloquently explained by Michael Arloski as mountain guides. The mountain guides do not climb the mountain for people, but instead help them by:



  • Planning the climb

  • Assessing the physical and mental readiness to climb

  • Examining whether the climber is equipped with the right tools to climb

  • Together plan the best route

  • Does not force the climber to climb the mountain, the motivation to climb must come from the climber

  • At times when the climber is discouraged, the guides gently supports the climber to reach a little deeper and keep going

A health and wellness coach is like a good mountain guide that is providing you support and accountability.

Whilst it may seem like the ‘action’ that is needed is simple, yet you struggle to do what you know you should be and then you beat yourself up about it! You will be pleased to know that none of it is your fault, but has everything to do with how your mind is currently wired in terms your beliefs, thoughts and feelings which are informing your actions. Trying to make any sort of long term sustaining change is next to impossible without examining this aspect.

Join me inside the Empowered Mums Group where I dive into this much more along side the right actions to take at the root cause level.

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Chantal is a Certified & Accredited Nutrition and Wellness Coach on a mission to help stressed and overwhelmed mums transform their physical and mental health so that they feel energised, confident and calm to build a thriving resilient healthy happy family.